Artist-in-Residence, N.P. Gros Morne, Newfoundland, Canada
In the summer of 2012 Anja de Jong is working on her own projects as an artist-in-residence at The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery in collaboration with National Parks Canada, in National Park Gros Morne, Newfoundland. She also will give a lecture and a workshop Landscape Photography in collaboration with National Parks Canada.
Presentation Photo+Art Book Hamburg 2011
House of Photography, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany 2nd – 4th September 2011
A presentation of the collector’s item ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ and the earlier by De Jong published books like ‘Borderland 1992 –1998 Anja de Jong’,’The Borderland Project’ and ‘Berlin’s Covered History’.
Exhibition: ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’
Photo Project Anja de Jong
Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht
Opening of the exhibition:
Sunday 17 april 2011 at 4 pm. by the author Jan Brokken
The actual reason for the small and personal project Ice Edge – IJsgrens was a photograph from 1955 in Anja de Jong’s family album. It shows her father, Pieter de Jong, engineer on a small coaster, next to the ship on the ice of the Isefjord in Denmark. The ship, the Depa, lies frozen and is waiting for an icebreaker. On two identical sea journeys to the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia in 2008 and 2009, De Jong took photographs of the sea in different atmospheric conditions and was in search of the ice edge, As a result of climate change, the ice edge in normal years is now much further north than at the time of my father’s voyage.The underlying idea of the project is climate change. But the series mostly ‘pays tribute to the sea’.
Collector’s item:
At the opening a special designed folder by Vincent van Baar with 3 signed and numbered photos from ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ by De Jong is presented.
Dates and opening times:
From 17.4.2011 to 14.8.2011
Tuesday – Friday 11 until 17 pm,
Saturday and Sunday 13 until 18 pm.
Dordrechts Museum,
Museumstraat 40,
3311 XP Dordrecht.
Tel: +31 (0) 78 7708708
Group exhibition ‘Tapetenwechsel, Dordrecht – Berlin – Dordrecht’
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht
Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 18 December 2010 at 5 pm.
Kleistpark is the site of the former Botanical Garden, the Kammergericht building in which the trial took place of the members of the conspiracy of 20th July 1944 against Hitler, the construction of the Hochbunker in WWII and the Sozialpalast which was built in 1977.
De Jong’s book ‘Berlin’s Covered History’ (€ 35,-) and a publication of the exhibition are available.
Dates and opening times:
From 18-12-2010 to 22-01-2011
Wednesday – Saturday and 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon until 5 pm.
CBK Dordrecht,
Voorstraat 180,
3311 ES Dordrecht.
Tel: +31 (0) 78 6314 689
Exhibition ‘Berlin’s Covered History’ – Photo Projects Anja de Jong
Goethe-Institut Niederlande, Rotterdam.
On Tuesday 5 January at 17:00 hrs, the exhibition will be opened by Koos Bosma, professor History of Architecture at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Dates and opening times:
From 5.1.2009 to 12.2.2010
Tuesday – Thursday 15 until 19 pm,
Friday 13 until 17 pm.
Goethe Institut Rotterdam,
Westersingel 9, 3014 GM Rotterdam.
Tel.: +31 (0) 10 209 20 90
For the first time the complete project ‘Berlin’s Covered History’ will be exhibited. This project looks at the history of the European continent with which one is unavoidably confronted in Berlin. Through image and title, De Jong links specific sites in today’s Berlin spots with historical events that took place in the last century. Events during WW II and during the period of separation of East and West Berlin. Besides ‘Moldova’s Water’ will be shown. A search for water in Moldova, Europe’s forgotten, and poorest country.
(The watchtower at the Border Section Schlesischer Busch. One of the former 302 observation towers that stood alongside the Berlin Wall. This leadership room offered a 360° view and from here the siren and searchlight could be operated.)
Exhibition: 51°49′ N 04°40′ O Photo Projects Anja de Jong 2004-2009
Curator: Flos Wildschut
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht
Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 17 October 2009 at 5 pm.
Dates and opening times:
From 17-10-2009 to 28-11-2009 Wednesday – Saturday
and 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon until 5 pm.
CBK Dordrecht,
Voorstraat 180,
3311 ES Dordrecht.
Tel: +31 (0) 78 6314 689
Book Presentation: Berlin’s Covered History
Presentation of ‘Berlin’s Covered History’, the third book of Anja de Jong.
On Saturday 17 October 2009 at the opening of the exhibition, Flip Bool, senior collections & research Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam and lector on photography AKV|St. Joost, Avans Hogeschool presents the original to George Lawson, director of the Fonds voor de Podiumkunsten.
CBK Dordrecht Voorstraat 180 3311 ES Dordrecht
Tel.: +31 (0) 78 6314689
Gestörte Natur / Disturbed Nature – Cluster, Berlijn
Curator: Jurriaan Benschop.
Other exhibitors: Jeroen Jacobs en Michael Markwick
Dates and opening times:
1-5-2009 to 23-5-2009 Monday- Friday 14-18h, Saturday 12-18h
Osram Höfe,
Oudenarder Strasse 16-20,
Gebaude E, Aufgang 23,
13347 Berlin.
Tel.: +49 (0) 160 960 74111
Selectie 09: Voorstellen nieuwe aankopen kunstuitleen
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht
Opening vrijdag 13 maart om 17 uur
Dates and opening times:
From 14-3-2009 to 5-4-2009
Wednesday – Saturday and 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon until 5 pm
CBK Dordrecht,
Voorstraat 180,
3311 ES Dordrecht.
Tel: +31 (0) 78 6314 689
Artist-in-Residence, ‘Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben’, Berlin
De Jong is artist in residence at the ‘Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben’ in Berlin from March till September 2007.
Exhibition ‘Niemandsland, onbestemd & onbepaald en toch begrensd’
Het Kruithuis / Huis van de kunst
Opening of the exhibition Sunday 5 November at 2 pm
In the summer of 2005, on the invitation of Galerie AoRTa in Chisinau, Anja de Jong worked for 3 weeks in Moldova, Europe’s forgotten, and poorest, country. After roaming extensively about the capital Chisinau, she decided to take Moldova’s water as the theme for a series of photographs.
Other exhibitors: Jos Smink, Volja, Reny Worb, Karin Buchholtz, Kim Bouvy, Korrie Besems, Hans Eijkelboom & Peter Spaans, Anne-Marie van den Thillart, Jorge Heredia, Annemarie de Haas, Jeroen van de Ven, Harmen de Hoop, Marloes Hoogenstraaten, PJ Roggeband, Rachel de Boer, Anna Goos, Stichting GANG.
Dates and opening times:
From 5-11-2006 to 3-12-2006
Tuesday – Sunday, 12 noon until 5 pm
Het Kruithuis,
Citadellaan 7,
5211 XA ’s-Hertogenbosch
Exhibition ‘Turning Point’
25 years of photography projects Anja de Jong
Galerie Arps & Co in Amsterdam.
Opening of the exhibition on thursday 20th of April at 6 pm
Dates and opening times:
From 20-4-2006 to 14-6-2006
Thursday and Friday, 3 until 7 pm or every day of the week on request
Galerie Arps & Co,
Arubastraat 1,
1058 VD Amsterdam.
Winner Rabobank Award 2005
Exhibition “One or two things I know about Chisinau”
Centrum Beeldende Kunst in Dordrecht
Opening of the exhibition Wednesday 14 September at 5 pm.
In the summer of 2005, on the invitation of Galerie AoRTa in Chisinau, Anja de Jong worked for 3 weeks in Moldova, Europe’s forgotten, and poorest, country. After roaming extensively about the capital Chisinau, she decided to take Moldova’s water as the theme for a series of photographs.
This work will be on display for the first time at an exhibitions entitled, “One or two things I know about Chisinau”, a project run by the Centrum Beeldende Kunst Dordrecht in co-operation with Galerie AoRTa from Chisinau.
Other exhibitors: Toto Frima, Ine Lamers, Loodwicks Press Images, Bertien van Manen, Ron Sluik and Ulay.
Dates and opening times:
From 15-9-2005 to 22-10-2005
Wednesday – Saturday and 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon until 5 pm
Centrum Beeldende Kunst Dordrecht,
Voorstraat 180,
3311 ES Dordrecht.
Tel: +31 (0) 78 6314 689