Direction Iceland

1 juli 2019


from: Iceland [re]visited – Anja de Jong ©2019

The past two months flew by with preparations for the Hafnarborg Residency.

Research, make contacts with authorities in Iceland, arrange travel documents (stay en route, ferry tickets Hirsthals- Seyðisfjörður vice versa etc.), check cameras and car.

Via Germany, Denmark, by boat via the Faroe Islands, arrived in Seyðisfjörður on the east coast of Iceland. Visited a number of places via the south coast for my [re] visiting Iceland project; a reunion with locations that I photographed earlier in 1992.

Anja de Jong at Hafnarborg

On July 1 I get the key to the apartment and studio on the top floor of the Hafnarfjörður Center of Culture and Fine Art.

Copyright © Anja de Jong