door admin | dec 18, 2010 | News
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 18 December 2010 at 5 pm. Kleistpark is the site of the former Botanical Garden, the Kammergericht building in which the trial took place of the members of the conspiracy of 20th July 1944 against...
door admin | jan 5, 2010 | News
Goethe-Institut Niederlande, Rotterdam. On Tuesday 5 January at 17:00 hrs, the exhibition will be opened by Koos Bosma, professor History of Architecture at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Dates and opening times: From 5.1.2009 to 12.2.2010 Tuesday – Thursday 15...
door admin | okt 17, 2009 | News
Curator: Flos Wildschut Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 17 October 2009 at 5 pm. Dates and opening times: From 17-10-2009 to 28-11-2009 Wednesday – Saturday and 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon until 5 pm. Location: CBK...
door admin | okt 17, 2009 | News
Presentation of ‘Berlin’s Covered History’, the third book of Anja de Jong. On Saturday 17 October 2009 at the opening of the exhibition, Flip Bool, senior collections & research Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam and lector on photography AKV|St. Joost, Avans...
door admin | mei 1, 2009 | News
Curator: Jurriaan Benschop. Other exhibitors: Jeroen Jacobs en Michael Markwick Dates and opening times: 1-5-2009 to 23-5-2009 Monday- Friday 14-18h, Saturday 12-18h Location: Cluster, Osram Höfe, Oudenarder Strasse 16-20, Gebaude E, Aufgang 23, 13347 Berlin....
door admin | mrt 14, 2009 | News
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht Opening vrijdag 13 maart om 17 uur Dates and opening times: From 14-3-2009 to 5-4-2009 Wednesday – Saturday and 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon until 5 pm Location: CBK Dordrecht, Voorstraat 180, 3311 ES Dordrecht....