door admin | mei 28, 2014 | News
Work from De Jongs’ project ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ is selected for the exhibition ‘Light’. Opening: Wednesday 28 May 2014 at 5.30 pm Location: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Stadhouderslaan 41, 2517 HV Den Haag. Dates and opening times: From 29 May to...
door admin | apr 12, 2014 | News
On invitation by DordtYart to participate in the exhibition ‘DordtYart 2014’ Anja de Jong shows her project ‘Five Eras – Five Cultures, Gros Morne, Newfoundland’. DordtYart, Dordrecht. Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 12 April 2014 at 2 pm. Commission:...
door admin | sep 18, 2013 | News
On Saturday 7 September at the opening at 17 pm of the cultural season 2013-2014 Anja de Jong presents a special printed edition of the ‘Picturaprint’, commissioned by Teekengenootschap Pictura. The print is to be seen in and to be purchased from Pictura during the...
door admin | jul 16, 2012 | News
In the summer of 2012 Anja de Jong is working on her own projects as an artist-in-residence at The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery in collaboration with National Parks Canada, in National Park Gros Morne, Newfoundland. She also will give a lecture and a workshop...
door admin | sep 2, 2011 | News
House of Photography, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany 2nd – 4th September 2011 A presentation of the collector’s item ‘Ice Edge – IJsgrens’ and the earlier by De Jong published books like ‘Borderland 1992 –1998 Anja de Jong’,’The Borderland Project’ and ‘Berlin’s...
door admin | apr 17, 2011 | News
Photo Project Anja de Jong Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht Opening of the exhibition: Sunday 17 april 2011 at 4 pm. by the author Jan Brokken The actual reason for the small and personal project Ice Edge – IJsgrens was a photograph from 1955 in Anja de Jong’s...