door anja | jul 1, 2019 | News
The past two months flew by with preparations for the Hafnarborg Residency. Research, make contacts with authorities in Iceland, arrange travel documents (stay en route, ferry tickets Hirsthals- Seyðisfjörður vice versa etc.), check cameras and car. Via...
door anja | mei 7, 2019 | News
door anja | mei 1, 2019 | News
My initial registration for an Artist-In-Residence in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park on The Big Island will be converted into an invitation to stay at the Hafnarfjörður Center of Culture and Fine Art in Iceland. After the (almost) finalization of my Dutch...
door anja | apr 2, 2019 | News
The last week of March I worked the Wadden island of Texel in the north of The Netherlands. There I focused on the Slufter, but especially on the advanced construction of the Prins Hendrikdijk. On the Wadden Sea coast of the island they create man-made dunes,...
door anja | mrt 20, 2019 | News
April 21, the last year of DordtYart opens in the monumental machine hall on Maasstraat 11 in Dordrecht. I took part on DordtYart2014 with my exhibitions ‘Five Eras – Five Cultures’ and, after a period of research ‘Submersa (drowned)’. In...
door anja | mrt 1, 2019 | News
In De Pont Museum in Tilburg I visit the exhibition of Ann Veronica Janssens and, above all, the one of Richard Long with his monumental work, but also his, so he says, ‘second-hand’: maps, photographs and text images, all result of his...